Wednesday 12 December 2012

A Transport of Delight!!

Can't say I was overjoyed initially with my song choice! Flanders and Swann? Who? A Transport of Delight? What??
Sounds like something Reeves and Mortimer would take the piss out of...hmmm...actually, could be suspicions were confirmed when I googled 'Flanders and Swann.' 'Flanders and Swann were a British Comedy duo.' "Oh no! Not a comedy song! LAME!"
"Suppose I'd better have a listen then,"
Exactly what I thought, piano intro, 'Pathe' 'clipped British accents' rather jolly, chortle, chortle, Chumley Warner, how very amusing!
...and actually, rather charming...
...then I found this little gem...
 A Journey by a London Bus
...and I am in love.

Thems were the days, a more innocent time, a more respectful time and a golden age of travel!
Ting ting! All aboard!!

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