Thursday 27 September 2012

What is wrong with me? Weird crushes pt 1.

Mr Benn, 80's cartoon character with transvestite tendencies
Just a few of the 'characters' I have had inexplainable crushes on over the years....

Noel Edmunds, TV twat and purveyor of the manel toe
Mike Neville, off've Look North, my very earliest crush, aged about 4 I loved him and wanted to marry him, and I didn't care who knew it
Alan Carr. Need I elaborate?
Mika, the latest unlikely candidate for my misguide affections, easy on the eye, granted, but deserves to be castrated for crimes against music. Not cool.

....which begs the question "What is wrong with me???"

1 comment:

  1. From now on you need to address everyone who confronts you, annoys you or who is just being a twat with the simple question......Are you drunk?? Just watch them go into extreme defensive mode. This will catch them off guard for the next question which is- Lend us a tenner?? This will be my first piece of advice on my new citizen's advice blog-More Money for Me! Regulated by some Government Department or other. Obviously, you have to show some constraints when using this phrase. For egs. If you happen to inadvertently run into someone's car only use the phrase - Are You Drunk? but do not follow up with the inappropriate- Lend us a tenner? More good advice to follow.
