Friday 21 September 2012

We found the treasure!!!

Ower the bridge in the D & H...Back up parney!

The Howard, a Carlisle institution. Queer bari peeve!

What goes on behind the pink door? Whatever it is I'm sure it's Fun 2 Do!
Wally Bird. Also known as Wally Bewer. Location: Auld Tullie Hoose.

Bronze Cormorant at the back of The Sands. And the greater boss-eyed Lauren bird, native to the North East.
If you're pure hank, you could do worse than dive to The Sandwich Mill, Shaddongate. Tidy.
A fox outside Foxes. What are the chances?

Tongs n Ting. Reet classy spot for buying seedy gear. Get your nipple tassels here.
Dixon's Chimney. You can deek it from all ower the 'lizzle.
The lovely Lauren showcases 'The Thin White Duke', also known as 'The Duke' named after his Dukeness, David Bowie and not to be confused with other definitions of the word 'Duke'

Eye eye. Fancy seeing you here. Fine Art happens here on Newcastle Street. We know, because we were there and we totally didn't cheat in the aquisition of this photo. No Sir. No cheating. Nothing to see here.

Blow your whistle baby, whistle baby. Here we go! Sweet! (shop).
Carlisle's very own blarney stone. Some say it's cursed, I say what a load of old cobbles!

John Watt & Son. Pure reeks. Of coffee. In a good way. If you like coffee. Cwaa-feee!!!
Blue Army! Blue Army!
Down the steps at Conkers, Carlisle's premier nitespot and home of Teapot Tuesdays-Cheap peeve!!!

The Bricky. Nearly kissed the deck in here whilst dancing to Dubstep. Be warned!! Sensible footwear a must!!
T & D's. Never been in but always meant to. A chinky and a cwaa-fee house, genius!
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  1. Although you ARE a cheat, your blog is rather delicious. xxx

  2. Why thank you Lecky, you are a peach! :) I'm no a cheat tho' xxx
