Wednesday 17 October 2012

Sunday 14 October 2012

I just discovered Gerhard Richter!

I just discovered Gerhard Richter!

Top Typo.


Don't know who Tony Rohr is but this poster's cool as...

...Wooden Helvetica...

 Massive M
 Flora n Fauna
 Steampunk Style
 Constructed out of Cardboard
On a Hill

Somebody got paid to make this stuff! :)

Some unfortunate signage...

Rock-hard Rockwell

I have struggled to find examples of Rockwell Bold.
Rockwell was based on an earlier font, Litho Antique, created by William Schraubstadter in 1910.
Rockwell belongs to the 'Slab Serif' classification, so called because the serifs are sturdy and 'slab-like' without brackets connecting the serif to the stem. 
Litho Antique became popular in Europe in the late 1920's and so was re-issued. Supervised by Frank Hinman Pierpoint at The Monotype Foundry's in-house design studio, new characters were added to the original Litho Antique and the modified result was 'Rockwell Antique' released in 1931.
Rockwell Bold is often confused with a similar type-face, 'Stymie Extra Bold' which is used by The New York Times for headlines in it's Sunday magazine.
This font looks like Rockwell....

...however, the G in this image has a tail which is not present in Rockwell  type which makes me think it may be Stymie Extra Bold or Litho Antique.
This font has been chosen to promote the food offer in 'The Hungry Horse' pub. The food here is very much in the American style of sizzlin' platters, ribs, corn on the cob and steaks, very masculine and unsophisticated, real cowboy food!

Gill Sans, the right type for LNER.

Gill Sans type was designed by Eric Gill in 1926. It was later developed into a full font family and commissioned to be used as a unique typeface for London and North East Railway's posters and publicity material.

Clever Duck

An example of intelligent and amusing typography coupled with a great graphic. 'Posh Birds' Duck Eggs, does exactly what it says on the tin. I like the little feather in place of the dot on the i.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Typography-an art in itself!

Here are some examples of interesting typography used in a graphical context...
1,2,3,4,5 senses, but who's to say there's not 6??
A numerical typeface.

3 different takes on the letter g....Sans serif and orange..
Serif, capital and technically beautiful...

fabulous, floaty and flourishing!


cut out


and a few tips how to mix and match your fonts (should you so wish!) :)

Tuesday 9 October 2012


In the interests of my Typography assignment I felt it was appropriate to share with you this image. I would love to be able to take the credit for this 'work' however that honour must go to my friend Belinda Wilson. It has, however, inspired me to undertake a campaign of copycat guerilla supermarket-based 'typo-terrorism.'Watch this space :)

Thursday 4 October 2012

Seasons-Carlisle Cemetery

I felt inspired by my images of golden leaves in Carlisle cemetery to have a bash at some poetry.
Bit twatty? Non?
Glorious Golden Leaves,
Lustrous Flecks of Fallen Foliage,
Turning Pages,
Summer Falls,
Winter Springs,
A New Chapter Begins.